Thursday, September 3, 2009

Abstraction frees me from content and enables me to focus on lines, movement. The key is to find with each stroke a soft undulation and a vibrant rhythm, to construct a harmonious picture with a sensual gesture. As the paintbrush soothingly caresses the grain of the paper, the painter's hand is calmed by these tactile vibrations.

Monday, August 31, 2009

sometimes abstraction falls into figuration and an anthropomorphic form springs from the endless curves ....

The images come and go and it is only through layers and layers of paint that I am able to grasp and reconstruct the colorful visions flowing my mind.

Playful Masquerade

My paintings are abstract, one could say. But more specifically, they are snapshots of my brain. As my paintbrush soothingly glides onto the velum paper, the shapes and colors that emerge translate a state of mind, a feeling or a mood. To me painting is a both a diary and a therapy, a writing full of meaning, emotion and intent.